Yea! I’m in New Brunswick. It’s PRETTY here!
Today started with a hot shower- I’ll take it while I can. I typed up yesteerday’s notes while having their breakfast. It promised to be a nice day- the clouds were parting, and the weather liar said mostly sunny, 20% chance of thunderstorms. I didn’t wrap up anything on the bike.
About an hour down the road, it started to rain. Just a bit, I ignored it. When I got to Quebec City, I stopped to tarp my gear & get ready for heavy rain. The heavy rain found me about 30 seconds later. I got back on the road and didn’t understand my GPS, so I made a wrong turn and headed into town. The bridges and E-way are pretty. It was too rainy and foggy to see anthything else. Silly place for a town- in a fog bank. Maybe it’s Shangri-La?
I tried to stop for lunch in Reivere du Loop (spelled wrong for sure!). It’s a really cute, pretty town in the rolling hills along the St Lawrence. It was raining hard, the streets are all asphalt, and some are really steep. Not fun on a bike! Lots of great looking cafe’s and such but nowhere to park the bike where it would not fall over on the ridiculous slope and crown of the roads. I ended up starved, at Timmy’s again.
Eventually I got the directions right and continued on, with the rain lovingly following me. I stopped to adjust layers several times, losing daylight at each stop. I planned on getting to Momcton, NB today and Cindy was looking for lodging for me. I didn’t make it that far before dark, have no cell or internet service, and am taking the MOOSE WARNINGS very seriously. (I didn’t stop for a pic of the signs). Somebody spent a hell of a lot of money on fences and one way animal gates along much of the road. The signs alternate between moose and deer warnings.
Little traffic on the roads east of Quebec City. The trucks are polite and professionally driven. Apparently, as a public service, they clean the roads after a rain. If there are 2 lanes on the expressway, they line up 2 abreast and travel at exactly the speed limit. This creates a huge swirling cloud of water, mist, and road slop. This unholy mix then settles on the cars and motorcycles behind them, leaving a cleaner road surface.
My electric gear does not seem to be responding to my wireless controller properly. Sometimes it goes from “comfy” to TOO HOT for no reason, and I am unable to turn the jacket liner off. It is cooking me, so I unplug it, only to freeze. It also takes lots of power to run. I got my all time shortest distance on a tank of gas today- 190 miles = 38 mpg. I should be getting about 50. I’ll have to play with it in the morning.
. I’m at a campground on a nice lake in the hills. The first “campground” I passed was a field filled with RV’s near a lake. No thanks. This seems to be a nice park. I got here right at dark and set up camp in a light rain. Supposedly they are open, but nobody was in the office. I’ll be outta here early in the am….. Maybe I can save a few $$ to make up for the big bill yesterday.
No restaurants around here, so I had one of my back up dinners. Joe’s O’s- a better knock off of Spagetti-O’s. No pot needed. Much better with buffalo jerky added, too. a cup of hot chocolate (coulda used the rum I didn’t buy), transfer the days pictures to the computer, write this, and it’s time for some sleep.
Not many pics today. We’ve all seen rain, right?
Tomorrow I should be in Nova Scotia. I’m not sure when I can upload this, so tomorrow might have passed….
Maybe you can get improvise a "warm" shower at a campground. You are a resourceful fella. Borrow a new clean black garbage bag -fill it with a few gallons of water - string it up over and over a tree branch in the full sun for an afternoon. Pop a pinhole in it and enjoy a nice warm rinse for cheap.